Friday 27 March 2015

Shortsightedness is becoming an Epidemic

We recently published a report on our Facebook page which highlighted the growing issue of Shortsightedness, or Myopia, to give it its correct technical name, in young people.

So why should this be something which concerns us ? Surely shortsightedness can be easily managed by wearing glasses or contact lenses, so what is the problem ?

What is not widely understood is that early and severe shortsightedness, in children, will often develop into serious eye conditions in later life, and can result in blindness.

This is a problem we have been aware of here at James Doyle Opticians in Wilmslow Cheshire for a number of years now.  Whilst there is not yet a cure for this condition, we are able to offer our patients a very effective treatment, called Orthokeratology, to halt the progress of the shortsightedness using a special lens that is worn at night.

These lenses work by gently reshaping the front of the eye.

Many studies have shown that these specialist lenses can reduce the progression of short-sightedness, reducing the likelihood of associated problems in adulthood. Whilst the effect is not guaranteed, as results vary between individual children, use of these lenses has never been shown to make children more short-sighted.

A further additional benefit of this treatment, is that spectacles don't have to be changed as a child's short-sight worsens.

All lens wearing is done overnight so the lenses aren’t worn out of the house, which means less worry about lost lenses, or spectacles !

This leaves daytime is free of specs and lens wear so children can take part in all activities and sports without having to worry about their vision.

There is some evidence that lens wear may also be beneficial to education, as studies have indicated that children are likely to perform better at school if they do not wear spectacles.

If you would like further information about Orthokeratology please call us at James Doyle Opticians, Wilmslow, for an appointment on 01625 545848.

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