Tuesday 23 June 2015

The Positive Power of Twitter and the kind people of Wilmslow

At James Doyle Opticians, here in Wilmslow, we just recently had the pleasure to help a patient in a rather unusual and unexpected way, and we wanted to share the story with you.
Thanks to Twitter and the power of networking we were able to join forces and return lost property to its rightful owner.

A few weeks ago, a patient arrived at our Wilmslow Practice needing both new frames and lenses. He had lost his previous pair of glasses quite recently whilst out with his family. So far so normal.

However, some days later, we noticed a message on Twitter, with a picture, announcing that someone had found a pair of glasses whilst walking in The Carrs and could Twitter help to reunite them with their rightful owner.

The Tweet went like this....

As you can see, it wasn't much to go on, but we had a hunch that we knew who they might belong to.
So we replied....

The power of Twitter took over and after a brief exchange of Tweets, John dropped the glasses into our Wilmslow Opticians Practice.

Once they had been brought in, we were able to use our super sleuthing techniques to confirm that they were indeed the pair that had been lost by our patient.

As you can imagine he was delighted.

Instead of him having to buy expensive replacement frames, we are going to try and fit his new prescription lenses into his existing frames, plus he has saved a lot of time and trouble.
So again Twitter came into it's own as he was able to thank John via Social Media…

Who was able to reply...

Now if this was a film script, the three of us would get together over a glass of something chilled and delicious, congratulating each other on the community spirit of Wilmslow folk and the positive power of Social Media.
That hasn't happened yet, but who knows… Keep watching, and remember - the next time you are reading nothing but bad news in the press, there are still plenty of gems of people out there.

Friday 27 March 2015

Shortsightedness is becoming an Epidemic

We recently published a report on our Facebook page which highlighted the growing issue of Shortsightedness, or Myopia, to give it its correct technical name, in young people.

So why should this be something which concerns us ? Surely shortsightedness can be easily managed by wearing glasses or contact lenses, so what is the problem ?

What is not widely understood is that early and severe shortsightedness, in children, will often develop into serious eye conditions in later life, and can result in blindness.

This is a problem we have been aware of here at James Doyle Opticians in Wilmslow Cheshire for a number of years now.  Whilst there is not yet a cure for this condition, we are able to offer our patients a very effective treatment, called Orthokeratology, to halt the progress of the shortsightedness using a special lens that is worn at night.

These lenses work by gently reshaping the front of the eye.

Many studies have shown that these specialist lenses can reduce the progression of short-sightedness, reducing the likelihood of associated problems in adulthood. Whilst the effect is not guaranteed, as results vary between individual children, use of these lenses has never been shown to make children more short-sighted.

A further additional benefit of this treatment, is that spectacles don't have to be changed as a child's short-sight worsens.

All lens wearing is done overnight so the lenses aren’t worn out of the house, which means less worry about lost lenses, or spectacles !

This leaves daytime is free of specs and lens wear so children can take part in all activities and sports without having to worry about their vision.

There is some evidence that lens wear may also be beneficial to education, as studies have indicated that children are likely to perform better at school if they do not wear spectacles.

If you would like further information about Orthokeratology please call us at James Doyle Opticians, Wilmslow, for an appointment on 01625 545848.

Thursday 29 January 2015

The Future Look of Sports

MYKITA MYLON blurs the border between fashion and sports. 
State-of-the-art design coupled with a material that boasts individual adjustability, low weight and extreme durability make these spectacles both an outstanding sporting companion and a perfect everyday accessory. 
 The manufacturing process for MYLON has won MYKITA recognition in the form of the iF material award. The collection was honoured with the Red Dot design award in the field of product design.
Each pair of Mykita Mylon glasses combine seemingly contrary elements to form a new material. Finest powder, fused into a three-dimensional shape. Robust and at the same time a snug, contour-hugging fit. With with an organic look on the surface. But down to the last fibre a high-tech product.
The evolution of the MYKITA MYLON frames began with a new production process: 
Selective Laser Sintering enables the creation of objects in every possible geometrical configuration. 
Layer by layer a super-fine polyamide powder is turned via CO2 laser sintering into three-dimensional objects that are fed in beforehand in data form. 
 In 2007 MYKITA began experimenting with the polyamide material, aiming to pioneer it in the production of eyewear. 
Several years of research were invested in the development of a complex, patented process in which the raw surface of the material is prepared and rendered wearable in a series of stages, giving the frames a unique visual and tactile appeal.

If you are serious about your sports, call in to James Doyle Opticians, Wilmslow and try out these revolutionary frames for yourself.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Wilmslow Optician Stocks Award Winning Lindberg Eyewear

Here at James Doyle Opticians in Wilmslow, Cheshire, we were delighted to hear that on Thursday January 15th, LINDBERG celebrated it’s 71st design award, this time with Wallpaper Magazine in London.

The design awards is a round-up of all Wallpaper’s favourite things from the past 12 months and it’s the year's highest achievements in design.



In the latest issue of Wallpaper that just hit the streets – Wallpaper “is dispensing the design world’s highest honours to the truly deserving, and cookie-crumbling disappointment to everyone else.”

LINDBERG is very proud to have won the award within the category of: “Best technique” with our LINDBERG Horn glasses.

The magazine is considered the world’s number one global destination, championing the best in architecture, interiors, fashion, art and contemporary design. The celebration took place at Bonham’s auction House in London on Thursday January 15th with some of the most creative influencers in the business.

Wallpaper writes


Buffalo horn glasses, by LINDBERG

The long and short of sight have been sporting horn-rimmed specs since the 16th century. However, most opticians have long since abandoned actual horn in favour of more easily tamed replica materials. Three years ago, Danish spectacle maker Lindberg, always up for a challenge, took on the task of bending, or rather, unbending genuine horn to its will and minimalist aesthetic. The company uses specially treated laminated strips of buffalo horn, bonded with its secret recipe glue. And, in the latest collection, Lindberg has matched it with a titanium nose bridge, temples and hinges to create specs that offer horn’s unique glow and colouration but with unprecedented lightness, sleekness and comfort. Proper horny.

To see our extensive collection of Lindberg frames, call into our Wilmslow Practice or call for an appointment on 01625 548848.

Monday 19 January 2015

Top 5 Reasons to wear Sunglasses

Here at James Doyle Opticians in Wilmslow, we are always ready to advise our customers about the reasons to wear sunglasses with high quality lenses.

We know that it is very tempting to think that all darken lenses are pretty much the same, but really they are not.

We are exposed to far more sunlight than we realise.

You should always choose polarised sunglasses that block out between 99% and 100% of UVA & UVB radiation, to ensure that your eyes are properly protected.

Ask your Optician about prescription sunglasses, which will help to protect your eyes and eliminate glare while you are outdoors or driving.

1. UV Protection

The sun's harmful UV rays can lead to serious and in some cases long-term health issues, including photokeratitis (sunburn of the eye's surface), pterygium (growths on the eye), cataracts and macular degeneration.

It is important to realise that sunglasses that do not provide UV protection can cause more damage by shading the eye - causing the pupil to dilate and allow in even more harmful UV rays.

2. Skin Cancer

5% to 10% of all skin cancers occur around the eyes.  Always wear quality, protective sunglasses when outdoors - whether working, driving, running, playing or watching sports.

3. General Eye Comfort

The sun's brightness and glare interfere with comfortable vision and the ability to see clearly, causing squinting, eyes to water and possibly headaches.

4. Dark Adaptation

Spending even a relatively short time in intense sunlight can hamper you eye's ability to adapt quickly to night time or indoor light levels, and make driving at night difficult and even hazardous.

5. Blue-Light Protection
(HEV: high-energy visible radiation)

use outdoor lenses that absorb the HEV as accumulated exposure has been associated with AMD (age related macular degeneration)

Please call in to our Wilmslow Practice to view our extensive range of Sunglasses, so we can ensure that you look fabulous and keep your eyes safe.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Local Opticians 20th Anniversay Event, Wilmslow


Last month here at James Doyle Opticians, in Wilmslow Cheshire, we celebrated 20 years of trading in Wilmslow, with a fundraising party, kindly supported by many other local traders.

It was all in aid of UK-Med who are raising money to help fight the recent Ebola outbreak

The guests enjoyed some delicious canapes, supplied by Cook, Wilmslow, washed down with a glass of chilled Champagne, whilst watching a video montage of how the practice has developed since its opening in the 1990's, including this fresh faced gem !

 Entertainment was provided by the talented Alessia Doyle, who had chosen some wonderful tracks which managed to name check some of the luxury brands in stock, very clever.

Then the serious fund raising began, with Graham Doyle acting as auctioneer. Prizes included dinner for two at The Alderley Edge Hotel, two Pandora bracelets from Mr & Mrs Orme, sunglasses from Chanel and Dunhill, as well as some stylish cufflinks from Dunhill, a signed CD and DVD by Russell, The Voice, Watson, two bespoke shirts from Harris and Howard and an original piece of artwork by Eliza Brown.

Further prizes were entered into a raffle and included a sumptuous gift set from Hoopers Wilmslow, designer clothes from Black White Denim, a doggy hamper from Barkers, scents from Cartier, a voucher from Haslams shoes Sunglasses from Cartier and Maui Jim, a trial membership at David Lloyd Leisure, Cheadle and a make over at Harper & Quinn hair salon.

In total more than £2,000 was raised and much fun was had.  Here is to the next 20 years !

Thursday 11 December 2014

How to take care of your eyes

Good eyesight is vital to a full and happy life, imagine being without it, unable to see the face of a loved one, or a beautiful sunrise. So it makes sense that you want to keep your eyes in tip top condition, here at James Doyle, Opticians in Wilmslow, Cheshire we have complied this series of eye care tips, which we hope will help you keep your eyes in great shape.

Don’t take up smoking.

You probably already know that there are many serious dangers related to cigarette smoking. One of the less-known dangers is developing Age-related Macular Degeneration(AMD). Several scientific studies have shown that the patients who did smoke were much more likely to develop AMD than those who didn’t smoke. Just another reason not to start smoking or to quit today.

Are you already a smoker ?

If so, stop. Smoking increases the chance that you will have problems with your eyes, like cataracts and other degenerative eye conditions. It can be hard to quit, but never stop trying, the latest e-cigarettes have proved very effective for those who have tried and failed to quit in the past, so, even if you’ve failed before, you still have a good chance of being able to quit in the future.

Choosing the best eye Doctor

When selecting an eye care professional, do not skimp when it comes to doing your homework on each prospective doctor’s qualifications. Check their educational background, certifications and licenses to ensure that everything is as represented. Doing these things will help you feel confident when it comes to entrusting the health of your eyes to someone new.

Build healthy eyes from the inside

What you eat is very important to the health of your eyes. A diet that is rich in vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids is helpful in maintaining good eyesight. Many vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli are rich in vitamin A. Fish and nuts can provide you with the omega-3 that you need.

Contact lens wearers

If you wear contacts, you must follow your eye doctor’s instruction carefully. If your eyes feel irritated when you put them in, it can mean that your contact lenses are damaged. Another reason could be that you are suffering from an eye problem that is just beginning to form. We would always recommend that you see your eyecare professional right away to prevent a more serious problem.


Stay hydrated

If you want your eyes to look and feel their best, drink lots of water. The more hydrated you are, the less you will suffer from dark circles. Hydrated skin doesn’t allow the blood vessels to show, ensuring that your raccoon eyes (dark circles) become a thing of the past.

Screen time

If you use a computer often, you should understand that it can impact your eye health. Try and build in 10 minutes in every hour when you come away from your screen.  If you feel your eyes becoming dry, blink more frequently and mention your screen usage to your Optician during your regular eye screening. You can also try to reduce the amount of glare on your monitor. You can also purchase an anti-glare computer screen. Keep the monitor at the same level as your eyes. Your eyes should look down the screen.

If you would like any further help with your eyes, please contact us on 01625 548848 to book an appointment, or visit our website.

Take great care of your eyes and they’ll last a lifetime!